Manitoba Weavers and Fibre Artists

we’re about warps and wefts

The next meeting is Thursday March 27th
start time: 7:00PM
location: Temple Shalom.
Doors open: 6:30PM

Members - check the membership page to find the link to our online library catalogue! Thank you to Pam Green for a huge job done.

An Introductory Course 
Weaving on a 4 harness loom

The weaving course is usually given on three consecutive Sunday afternoons from 1pm until 5pm.  We cover warping the loom, plain weave, twills and other weave structures. We also cover planning a project, yardage calculations and suppliers among other tips and tricks. We supply a loom  which you take home between classes to work on and all supplies needed. The cost is $310.00 for non-members of the Manitoba Weavers and Fibre Artists and $270.00 for members. Our February class was a great success. Watch for an announcement of the fall classes.

Click here to inquire about registration

Look, learn and listen to many of our weaving and related activities; updated regularly

Our Activities

Our Story

A little about us and a lot about what we do

Our Resources

Links and lists for many weaving resources

Join Us to reap the benefits of:

  • borrowing a loom or accessories

  • borrowing from our library of books and publications

  • attending workshops and study groups

  • connecting with fellow weavers

Members’ Area

Things we do!

A Guild Challenge to develop a weaving draft from what members vote as our “best”.

Tea Towels

A Tea Towel Throwdown was held November 2022 with the goal of developing a weaving draft of the MWFA Best Tea Towel. Nineteen tea towels were entered and over 30 members in attendance voted on: Best Structure, Best Color, Best Hand, Best Size and Best Finishing. More information, pictures and the draft can be found at button below.